October 25, 2023
Web Report Writer
- PDF Improvements
- Exclude Property Summary
- Secure 24 Integration
Inspection Dashboard
- Payment Status Page Improvements
- Duplicate Agreements
Web Report Writer
PDF Improvements: We're enhancing the aesthetics of our PDF reports by minimizing whitespace and refining the layout for a more polished appearance. We believe you and your customers will appreciate the improvements.
Exclude Property Summary: The "Property Summary" is now excluded from the report if the Property Condition Summary field is left empty.
Secure 24 Integration: Web Writer published reports now work with Secure24 integration. Once you enable the Secure24 integration through your dashboard, the Secure24 option will appear on folders where Web Writer reports are published.
Inspector Dashboard
Payment Status Page Improvements: We've improved the Payment Status Page based on inspector feedback to provide a more comprehensive view of customer details, including client names and inspection dates. New columns include "Inspection Date," displaying the appointment date, and "Customer," listing customer contacts associated with the appointment. We've removed seconds from the "Created" column to simplify the presentation of information, making your workflow more efficient.
Duplicate Agreements: You can now duplicate existing agreements, making it easier to create similar ones. Just choose an existing agreement; its text will be copied into the new one, with "Copy" added to the title if needed.