September 11, 2024
- Inspector Contact and License Updates
- Added Photo Editing for Forms
- More help solving Error Creating Zip File
- Fixed Window Display settings impacting photo sizes
Inspector Contact and License Updates:
Updating the Inspector Contact and License information in Options > Inspector & License no longer requires software to be closed and reopened for changes to take effect. The changes will now be visible in Preview/Publish.
Improved Photo Editing Workflow:
Form photos and sketches are now checked first in "Edit All Photos," following the left-side navigation order (Misc tab above General Info).
A new checkbox in Options > Navigation Options allows this feature to be disabled, but it is enabled by default.
When using "Find Next Photo," form photos are included only if the current view is before or on the Misc tab. If on the Forms tab, only the current form and subsequent forms are included.
Users will be notified about this new feature with an option to disable the message.
Error Creating Zip File Fixes
The Find Unanswered function now detects missing media files in General Info, Inspection Items, Inspection Item Overviews, and Forms, directing the user to the missing file. Missing files will also prevent the status check mark from being displayed.
Additional checks for picture placeholders in Section Overviews and General Info have been added. When navigating to an item with a missing file, the error message now correctly states "File does not exist" instead of "error= ‘Invalid Parameter.’"
Windows Display Settings Bug Fix
Resolved an issue where different Windows display settings would cause inconsistencies in report photo sizes after using the crop/zoom feature.