Desktop Report Writer offers an amazing feature where you can personalize the layout of your reports with Print Documents. This comprehensive article covers everything you need to know about it. You'll learn how to create a new print document, create a summary-only print document, change the cover page, and easily delete print documents. It even includes editing existing print documents, displaying pictures in only the report or the summary, changing the layout and document type, managing the back page, and renaming display names in the report.
Add a New Print Document
To create a new print document with custom settings, follow these steps:
- At the top-level menu, click File > Publishing Options
- Click Add button with orange plus (+) on the right of the window
- Provide a Document Setting a Document Name (for Inspector Use) and a Document Name (Displayed at Uploaded Report). The topmost field will be the name seen in the above list. The bottom field will be the title of the document that you and your customer will see on the Dashboard.
- Set the Upload Document Type in the upper right appropriately
- Check the boxes next to the parts you'd like included in the report
- At the top of the window, click the Other tab
- Choose the Print Order. The Print Order sets the layout of the report when the report is printed or uploaded.
- Click the part you would like to move up or down.
- Use the up and down arrows on the right of the window.
- Choose the Output Type. This determines what kind of file is created during the Print or Upload process.
- HomeGauge Internet Ready HTML is the recommended Output Type for uploading. This setting allows the most powerful HomeGauge features.
PDF is for printing to paper or saving out as a file. This setting disables the most powerful HomeGauge features.
- Click OK to save the Document Setting
- Click OK to exit the Print Option window
Create a Summary-Only Print Document
A Summary-Only document is useful to realtors and others looking only for a summary of deficiencies.
- Follow the steps above to Add a New Document Setting.
- During Step 5, check only the boxes for Summary and All Summaries (or Select Summaries to limit which ones are included).
- Click OK to save the changes. Click OK to exit the Print Options window
- When printing or uploading, check the box next to your new Summary-Only Document Setting to include it
Create a Print Document with a Different Cover Page
For example, you can have separate cover pages for regular inspections, mold inspections, and re-inspections.
- First, create a custom cover page by following the directions in this article Report Writer Desktop: Edit the Cover Page. Be sure to click Save As and give it a unique name so you don't overwrite your current cover page.
- Create a new Print Document Setting for this report type (e.g. Re-Inspection) by following the directions above. Do these things while creating the Document Setting:
- On the Edit Print Document window, find the Cover Page checkbox. To the right is the location of the cover page file (usually cover.html). Click the gray box with 3 dots on the right of that box.
- Choose the custom cover you created, then click Open.
- Finish creating the Print Document Setting per the instructions above
Delete an Existing Print Document
To remove an unwanted print document, follow these steps:
- At the top-level menu, click File > Publishing Options.
- Click to highlight the Document Setting you would like to delete.
- Click the Delete button with red X on the right of the window.
- If a warning box pops up, click OK. When prompted "Delete?" click Yes.
- Click OK to exit the Print Option window
Edit an Existing Print Document
To modify an existing print document, follow these steps:
- At the top-level menu, click File > Publishing Options.
- Click to highlight the Document Setting you would like to edit.
- Click the Edit button with the wrench icon on the right of the window.
- Make any changes you wish.
- Click OK to save the Document Setting.
- Click OK to exit the Print Option window .
Change the Order of the Report
The following steps explain how to move sections of your report so they display in the order you would like. For example, if you would like to display the Summary before the body of the Report.
- Follow the steps above to Edit an Existing Print Document
- There are two tabs Name & Components and Other. Click Other.
- The Print Order sets the order of parts when the report is printed or uploaded
- Click the part you would like to move up or down
- Use the up and down arrows on the right of the window
- Click OK to save the Document Setting
- Click OK to exit the Print Option window
Only Show Pictures in the Report or Summary
You may only want pictures to be shown in just the report or just the summary. Having pictures in either the report or the summary will reduce the length of the report.
- Follow the steps above to Edit an Existing Print Document
- Excluding Pictures:
- To exclude pictures from the report, uncheck the Include Pictures in Report check box
- To exclude pictures from the summary, uncheck the Include Pictures in Summary check box
- Click OK twice to close both windows
Changing a Reports Upload Document Type
With Desktop Report Writer, you can upload several documents for your customer, such as inspection reports, invoices, and agreements. To give your customer the best user experience possible, you must verify that the document type is set correctly. This ensures that all the features associated with your document will work as intended once on the Inspector Dashboard.
- Follow the steps above to Edit an Existing Print Document
- In the top-right corner, you will find a drop-down labeled Upload Document Type. Verify that the document type matches the document's purpose. (e.g., if this is a full report, it should say Inspection. If the document is only a pre-inspection agreement, it should say Agreement.)
- Click OK to set and save the setting.
Include A Backpage in a Print Document
The back page will appear at the end of every report if selected. The back page was originally intended to repeat contact information in the report. However, you can use the back page for whatever you'd like. It can be used for any information that you would like to appear on every inspection report.
- Follow the steps above to Edit an Existing Print Document
- Check the box for Back Page
Editing the Backpage
You can edit the back page with whatever information you want to include.
- Go to the menu bar and select Office > Edit Report Docs
- Click backpage
Edit the page by typing directly on the page or copying and pasting information from Notepad into the editor
- Close the edit window, and you will be prompted to Save current file?, click Yes.
Changing the Display Names on Print Document
When you go to Print or Upload a Document, all of the parts of the report have Display Names: Cover Page, Table of Contents, Intro Page, Report, Summary, Invoice, Attachments, Back Page, and Agreement. The following article explains how to change the Display Name of these sections to whatever you would like. The Display Name is the title of the section in the Table of Contents.
- Follow the steps above to Edit an Existing Print Document
- With the Print Document Name in mind, go to your computer's File Explore and HomeGauge Print Docs folder. The file path should look similar to Documents > HomeGauge > PrintDocs.
- Right-click on the Print Document you want to edit and Open with Notepad or another code editor.
- Find the report section you would like to rename and delete, then rename the display name between the <displayName> brackets. Be careful only to delete the name and leave the brackets in place.
- Once you have changed the name, click to close the code editor. You will be prompted to save changes. Click Save.
- Now the Print Document Full Report For Upload, when printed or uploaded, will have a Back Page with a different name.