HomeGauge has an Online Agreements feature. This feature allows you to send agreements and have your customers agree to them using an electronic signature before the inspection. It also prevents your customers from seeing the inspection reports until they agree.
How to Create New Agreement(s)
- To get started, log in to your HomeGauge Dashboard.
- Click the Appointments on the left side of the screen and choose Agreement Templates below.
- Before using this feature, you must first agree to the terms. If you already have, skip to the next step. Otherwise, click the orange button that reads Review Terms of the Electronic Signature Feature. Please take a moment to read the Agreement Terms and then click the orange button I Agree to the Above.
- After you have agreed to the terms, you'll be taken to the Edit Agreements page. If this is your first time here, you'll see an orange button. Click the button to get started creating your agreement.
- A window will open that prompts you to choose one of three options. You can Create a New Agreement, Start From Sample Agreement, Start From Existing Agreement, or Import Your Existing Agreement from HomeGauge Desktop Software. Choose one of the three options and click the Create Agreement button near the bottom right corner of the box.
Option: Create a New Agreement
- Choosing Create a New Agreement allows you to start from scratch. Give your agreement a name and get started. You can edit your Agreement text in the text area below.
- Copy your agreement text from your PDF or Word document, and then paste it into the Agreement Edit text box.
- Modify and format your agreement text using the toolbar at the top of the Agreement Edit Box.
- You can add replacement variables (click the blue Replacements Variables under the text box) to pull information from your appointment, such as your clients' names and contact information, as well as your company logo, contact information, and other information from your appointment. Clicking the link will show you a list of possible replacement fields that you can choose from. It's as simple as copying and pasting the necessary replacement text into your Inspection Agreement.
- After adding your Agreement and including any replacement fields, click Save Agreement Changes at the bottom.
Option: Start From a Sample Agreement
Selecting Start From Sample Agreement will open the sample that you choose. You can then modify the agreement to customize it for your company. You can also add replacement fields in this agreement. See above for instructions on using those fields.
- Always make sure you click Save Agreement Changes after you've finished editing.
Option: Start From Existing Agreement
Selecting Start From Existing Agreement will open the agreement you have created in the past that you choose. You can then modify the agreement to customize it for your company. You can also add replacement fields in this agreement. See above for instructions on using those fields.
- Always make sure you click Save Agreement Changes after you've finished editing.
Option: Importing Your Existing Agreement
- The fourth option is to Import Your Existing Agreement from HomeGauge Desktop Software.
- Click Choose File.
- To use an agreement you already have in your HomeGauge software, go to Documents > HomeGauge > html5.
- Choose the file named "disclaim" (or choose the name of your Agreement if it was named otherwise).
- Click Create Agreement, and the Edit Agreements page will open to allow changes, if necessary.
- Click Save Agreement Changes to save your Agreement to your Dashboard.
Your client will receive an email with the username and password needed to view and agree to your agreement. Once they do, you will get an email letting you know the contract was agreed to, and now you can go ahead and complete the inspection.
Associate Agreement with Services
Linking your agreement (s) with your services is a great way to save time when scheduling an appointment. When you add a service to an appointment, you can be sure that the correct agreement is also added to the appointment. Suppose you have specialty agreements for particular services. In that case, you can link the two together to ensure your customers receive those contracts.
- On the HomeGauge Inspector Dashboard, navigate to Appointments > Agreement Templates.
- From the agreement drop down, select the template you would like to link.
- Click Associate with Services.
- Put a check mark next to each service that you want to link to this agreement (navigate through your service group tabs as well).
- Click Select Service(s).
- Click Save Agreement Changes to link the agreement with the services.
Verify Services Have Been Linked
- Start a new appointment by clicking Appointments > New Appointment.
- Scroll down to the Services Section and click Add\Update Services.
- Select a service that you had previously associated with your agreement and click Add Selected Service(s).
- Scroll down to the Agreements section and observe that the agreement that has been linked has been placed automatically into the Selected column.