To get your Desktop Report Writer to run on an Apple Macintosh computer, you must install a virtual machine program, Parallels being the most popular, and then run Windows inside. This will require you to purchase a Windows license. Parallels Support can assist with their program, while HomeGauge Support can help once your Mac has Parallels and Windows installed.
Step 1: Install a virtual machine program like Parallels to your Mac.
Step 2: Install a current version of Windows to the Parallels side of your Mac.
Step 3: Navigate to the Windows side of your Mac and open a web browser. We recommend opening Microsoft Edge since it is the default browser in Windows and cannot be accidentally opened on the Mac side. You must be on the Windows side to complete the rest of the steps.
Step 4: With the browser open, go to and click the Login link:
Step 5: Enter your HomeGauge Username and Password in the fields, then click Sign In. If you forgot it, click the forgot username/password link.
Step 6: Once signed in, you will follow the steps in this article for accessing the installer link, downloading and running the installer file, and activating the software with your assigned software license key.
Step 7: Contact HomeGauge Support if you need help with the steps below since the Mac setup does require some advanced steps to move the data folder.
Important! Installing HomeGauge on Mac running Parallels will always install the HomeGauge Data Folder to the wrong root directory. By default, Mac will install the HomeGauge Data Folder in Z:///. For HomeGauge to work, you must move the HomeGauge Data Folder to the Windows C: Drive. Follow the instructions below.
To change your default data folder on a Mac:
- First, copy the entire HomeGauge folder located in your "Documents" folder (you can right-click on the HomeGauge folder and choose "copy"). Open the Windows File Explorer on your Windows side, navigate to the z://drive, and locate the folder HomeGauge (a subfolder of documents). Click on the HomeGauge folder and use your keyboard to copy the folder by holding down Command+C on your keyboard.
- Next, locate the "C:" drive while remaining in the Windows File Explorer. Double-click on the C: drive and use your keyboard to hold down Command+V to paste the HomeGauge folder (that is on your clipboard) inside the C: drive.
- After the folder is copied, open the HomeGauge software by locating the HomeGauge icon on the Windows desktop and double-clicking the icon.
- From the top toolbar, click Options - Advanced Folder Options
- Click YES at the following prompt.
- Click Change Data Directory, navigate to the new location C:/HomeGauge, and click on the file HomeGauge.
- Click OK at the bottom.
- Type "yes" in the next window and click OK.
- Click OK one more time.
- Close out of Desktop Report Writer by clicking the "X" at the top right corner.
- Open Desktop Report Writer again by double-clicking on the HomeGauge icon on the Windows side's desktop.
All set! But again, this is an advanced process, so please don't hesitate to contact Support for help!
Note: HomeGauge does not support Parallels but does support any issues you may have with Desktop Report Writer once it's set up. If you have any problems with Parallels, please visit the Parallels support page here: