Username and Password
Your unique username and password will be contained in the body of the email that you will receive when your documents are ready to view. To log in, follow the link in the email or go to, then type your username and password into their respective fields and click Sign In.
If you are having trouble logging in, find solutions in this article: Troubleshooting: Login and Access Issues
Your Dashboard
Every HomeGauge user has a personalized Dashboard with information about their inspectors and reports. When logging in, you are on the My Inspections page by default.
Get to know your Dashboard.
- My Inspections - Click this at any time to return to your report list.
- My Inspectors - Click this to view the names, emails, and links to leave a rating for any Home Inspector you have worked with. We encourage you to leave your inspectors a rating with a comment.
- My Account - Click this to change your User Name, Password, and basic information on file. Click Submit at the bottom when done. See this article for more instructions on editing your information: Customer Dashboard: Editing Account Information.
- My Offers - View customized discounts on Moving Services, Security, and more! For more information on HomeGauge offers, see this article: Customer Dashboard: My Offers.
- Privacy Center - View our Privacy Policy and opt in or out of any Home Buyer PLUS services. If you would like to learn more about opting in or out of our Home Buyer PLUS Services, see this article: Customer Dashboard: Privacy Center.
- Log Out - Click this link to sign out of your HomeGauge Dashboard.
Accessing Your Documents
Your report documents are stored in report folders to keep everything tidy. Each folder will have an image of the property, a centered image of your inspector's logo, details about the property, and the date the report was uploaded.
If no reports are listed when you click My Reports, it may be that your Home Inspector has not yet uploaded your documents or given you access to them. You should check with the inspector on the status if you believe the documents should be available to you.
You may need to sign the inspector's agreement and pay for your inspection before viewing your report. Follow the steps in this article to sign the agreement and pay for your inspection to receive your report.
- Click Inspection Details on the report folder you want to access.
- If it's the first time you have logged in, you are presented with the Welcome to Your HomeGauge Account window. Click this link for more information on the Welcome to your HomeGauge Account.
Signing Your Agreement
If a signature is required, you will see a centered box that says "Signature Needed" with an orange button that says Sign Now.
For more detailed instructions for signing or printing agreements, see this article: Customer Dashboard: Signing and Printing Agreements.
Paying for Your Inspection
If a payment is required, you will see a second step in the centered box that says "Payment Due".
If your inspector accepts payments through HomeGauge, you can click the orange Pay Now button to pay for the report. If your inspector does not accept payments through HomeGauge, you may see a note that says, "Please contact your inspector to make a payment."
For more detailed instructions on paying for your inspection and how to print your receipt, see this article: Customer Dashboard: Payment and Receipts.
Viewing Your Report
- If your inspector does not require an agreement signature or payment, or you have already signed and paid, you should see a photo of the property with an orange View Report button in the top right of the page. To access the report, click View Report.
- Other documents, including the inspection report, are available below Reports. In many cases, you will only have one document called Inspection Report. To access documents, click the corresponding link.
To learn how to print, save, or share your report, see this article: Customer Dashboard: Printing, Saving, and Forwarding Your Report.
Create Request List
You will see a large charcoal grey box on the screen describing the CRL feature. Click the button Create List to create the CRL.
For more information on using the CRL, view this article: Create Request List.
Home buyers will only get the option to create a list after they view the inspection report. If you do not see the Create a Request List section, it may be because you first need to view the report. After you have viewed the report, return to the Inspection Details page to create a CRL.