You've inspected the property and found some problems. After repairs have been made, your customer may want you to return for a re-inspection. The Desktop Report Writer makes it easy to generate a re-inspection report based on your previous findings. Follow the steps below to create a re-inspection report:
Create a Re-Inspection Report
- Click Open and locate the report you wish to make a re-inspection report from. Click to highlight the report in blue.
- Click the gear icon near the lower right of the Open Report box. The gear icon will give you a drop-down menu.
- From the drop-down menu, select Create Re-inspection from Selected Report.
- A box will open asking if you'd like to create a re-inspection. By choosing the re-inspection option, your newly created report will be a copy of the report you selected, but all items will be excluded by default except the items that you sent to the Summary in your initial report. The software will create a flag icon at each Summary item, and it will change the date of the report to the current date. Click Yes to generate your re-inspection report.
- The software will tell you that the re-inspection report has been saved. You can click OK when that message appears.
- Find the newly created report (usually at the top of your list of reports) and double-click it to open it.
- Make certain that you change the report ID to reflect that this is a re-inspection. (You could add 're-' to the report ID's front or end.)
- Now, you can begin inspecting. When one of the inspection items needs to be reinspected, if you select the small gear above the comment box, you can enter a Pass or Fail Stamp on the item. You can then add additional comments if you like.
Send Re-inspection Report
You can differentiate the original report from the re-inspection report by selecting Re-Inspection Report a different document setting before uploading or printing. This action changes the cover page and the upload name, which prevents customer confusion when reviewing the reports.
- Click Publish
- Uncheck your normal Document Setting (typically this is Full Report for Upload) and check Re-Inspection Report.
- Select Upload or Print depending on how you like to Upload your reports to the dashboard or create a PDF for distribution. Follow your normal steps to send the report to your customers.
Create an Invoice for Re-Inspection Report
Since Re-inspection reports are started from the original report, the Re-inspection report will be tied to the original appointment. Follow these steps to add a new invoice to the appointment for the Re-inspection:
- On your Dashboard, under ALL REPORTS, find the report address in the list. If you have just uploaded the re-inspection report, it will likely be at the top of the list.
- Click where it says "${amount} Paid" in green.
- Next, click New Invoice.
- Finally, enter the amount you would like to charge the customer and add the reason as being "Re-inspection". Check the box if you would like to require the payment before the document can be viewed, and then click Request Payment.