Agreements play a crucial role in establishing terms and conditions between parties. However, sometimes changes need to be made to these agreements after they are created. This article will guide you through creating, editing, and deleting agreements on the HomeGauge Dashboard.
Agreements can not be edited once they are created. You must delete the agreement and create a new agreement document to modify it.
If the agreement has already been signed, you will be unable to delete the agreement. You will instead have to create a new amended agreement.
The steps outlined below are for agreements created on the Inspector Dashboard through a New Appointment. To learn more, please visit this article Inspector Dashboard: Add, Edit, Cancel, Reschedule, or Download Appointments.
Create an Agreement on the Dashboard
To learn how to create an agreement template, please visit this article Inspector Dashboard: Create and Edit New Agreement(s) Templates.
Creating and selecting an agreement are covered in Inspector Dashboard: Add, Edit, Cancel, Reschedule, or Download Appointments.
Delete Unsigned Agreements
- Find your Agreement on HomeGauge Dashboard by searching My Reports > All Reports or find your appointment on the Calendar and double click appointment to edit.
- Above the Agreement, click Manage > Delete
- Check off which documents you would like to delete and click Yes.
Note: If the Appointment no longer has documents listed, it will no longer appear under My Reports > All Reports. You can still find the appointment by going to your Calendar and double-clicking the appointment.
Recreate an Agreement on the Dashboard
- Find your appointment by going to Appointments > Calendar and double-clicking the appointment to open.
- With the appointment open, scroll down to Agreements and move an Agreement from Available to Selected.
- For information on updating the Customer account name or email, see this article: Inspector Dashboard: Manage and Download Contact Network
- For information on how to update your invoice, see this article: Inspector Dashboard: Create and Manage Invoices
- Then click Schedule Appointment; saving changes will not prompt you to create an agreement.
- On the Agreement confirmation page, you can make changes directly to the Agreement text. Type directly into the text editor, and when down, click Create Agreement Document(s)
- After creating the Agreement Document. Choose whom you would like to send Notifications to. If you do not want to send a Notification choose Continue Without Sending Notifications.
- The new Agreement Document and Appointment will now appear on My Reports > All Reports. The example below has not been sent, but the customer is allowed to view it if they sign in with a username and password sent to them from you in a previous Notification.
Editing an Agreement on the Dashboard
If the agreement has not been signed:
- Follow the instructions above to Delete Unsigned Agreements
- Next, follow the instructions above to Recreate an Agreement on the Dashboard
If the agreement has been signed:
- Follow the instructions above to Recreate an Agreement on the Dashboard
Viewing Permissions
Having the correct viewing permissions selected for any users attached to an agreement document is essential. Customers must have permission to view agreements to prevent all documents in that folder from being non-viewable by your customers; this includes any agreements, invoices, or reports.
In the example picture above, the viewing permissions must be restored for the customer to view documents in this folder correctly. If the agreement was unsigned, you could follow the instructions above on how to delete an agreement. If the agreement was already signed, you will not be able to delete the agreement. Follow the instructions below on setting viewing permissions.
- Find your Agreement on HomeGauge Dashboard by searching My Reports > All Reports or find your Appointment on the Calendar and double click Appointment to edit.
- Above the Agreement click Viewing > Edit Permissions.
- Click the View checkbox for Viewing permissions and the Forward checkbox for Forwarding permissions.
- Click Set Permissions