If your Google Calendar is no longer updating with your HomeGauge appointments, don't worry! We've got you covered. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to reset your appointment sync and get your schedules back on track.
Resetting HomeGauge Authorization For Google Calendar Sync
- Login to the Inspector Dashboard
- Navigate to Appointments > Calendar Sharing
- Click the link Manage Access at Google
- Under 'Third-party apps with account access' click HomeGauge Appointments
- Click Delete all connections you have with HomeGauge Appointments
- Click Confirm to delete the connections
- Return to Calendar Sharing on the Dashboard and Refresh your Internet Browser
- You should see an error and a button to Authorize Access to Your Google Calendar
- Click Authorize Access to Your Google Calendar to set up your calendar permissions again
- Then, choose which of your Existing Google Calendars to share Appointments to or Create a New Google Calendar to share to
Note: The calendar should begin to sync with your appointments within the next 5-10 minutes. If you are still having syncing issues please feel free to contact HomeGauge Support.