After entering in customer and report info, selecting a template will officially start a report. The template is the structured list of components and inspection items that comprise the entire home inspection. The items' contents, such as inspection checks, comments, and photos, will be organized into the final report for the customer. This article will describe how to select a template.
Selecting a Template for Report Start
- Locate the Sections Panel on the left side of the interface and click the button Select Report Template.
- Navigate through the list and select a template. The left side panel will show the template categories, the right-side panel will show the templates available in each category.
- Click Open Template to open the selected template.
- The template will open. New items in the Sections Panel will now be available.
Once a template is selected, it cannot be undone, as a report is permanently linked to a template. If you have selected the wrong template for the inspection, you must either click New and start the report new or add template items to the current template to have the inspection items needed. Click here to learn how to add template items.
Copying Between Two Separate Templates
To copy items from one template to another, you must first open up two windows of Desktop Report Writer.
- With Desktop Report Writer already open, right-click the HomeGauge icon in your taskbar. A menu box will pop up. Click HomeGauge5.
- A new window of Desktop Report Writer will open. You may need to shrink the window to see them both.
- You can switch between the two windows by hovering over the icon in the taskbar. You can then click on one of those thumbnails to go into it.
Now that you have two Desktop Report Writer windows open, you must open your templates. Each window will need to display a different template. One window will show the template that contains the item(s) you want to copy; the other template will be the one you paste the item(s) into.