Transferring Pictures from Camera
If you use a camera with Desktop Report Writer, you must move the photos or videos into the correct place in the report.
- First, connect your camera to your computer. You may see this message popup:
Click it and select Open folder to view files. - Click into the DCIM folder.
- Click into any other folders until you see your pictures.
- You may copy these pictures to a different location on your computer. Select the pictures that you want and right-click the selection. Select Copy.
- Navigate to a new location and paste the photos into that folder.
If you did not see the message above when connecting your camera/SD card, or if you did not click it:
- Click the Documents icon,
, in your taskbar or click the Windows button > Documents.
- Click This PC and locate your camera or SD card and proceed from step 3 above.
- Open HomeGauge and, in the pictures panel, point the software filmstrip to the location of the pictures using the Browse button.
Change Picture Folder Options
Click the notepad icon to open the Picture Folder Options.
- Display Pictures in Order of: This will change the order in which the pictures appear.
- File Date
- File Name
- Picture Date
- Picture Thumbnail Width: This changes the size the thumbnails appear in the filmstrip. Note that this does not change the size in the report, that is handled in the picture editor only.
- Auto Refresh Folder When Changed: If checked, the filmstrip will reload automatically when it detects changes. We recommend leaving this option on in most cases to ensure you are bringing in a valid, up to date picture.
- Show Only Pictures In Folder From: For example, if you had two inspections over two days and have pictures in the same folder for both inspections, you can select which date to display.
- Display Pictures: Choose between When Window Opens or When Refresh Button Is Clicked: This changes whether or not photos appear in the filmstrip automatically or only when refreshed.
- Display Options: These options will show you more information about each photograph. This information only appears in the filmstrip and is not added to the report.
For troubleshooting, visit Troubleshooting: Report Writer Desktop Pictures, Video, and Voice.