The CRL, or Create Request List, is a fantastic feature that many real estate professionals receiving HomeGauge reports have found invaluable. It's a tremendous time saver, and helps produce a professionally formatted report that can assist in the negotiation of a sell. The CRL contains items pulled directly from the inspection report that you can highlight for repair, replacement, or request to have a monetary value applied as compensation.
Here is how you create, edit, and export a request list:
- Creating a Request List
- Adding Items to a Request List
- Navigating the Request List Editor
- Editing a Request List
- Saving and Emailing a Request List
- Troubleshooting
Creating a Request List
As a Realtor:
- Either click the link from the email sent to you by your home inspector, or go to Log in using the credentials provided to you. You can reset your login information if you don't know it.
- Click the View Details button associated with the property you would like to make a CRL for.
- Click the link titled Create Request List found underneath the Inspection Report and Forward buttons.
As a Home Buyer:
- Either click the link from the email sent to you by your home inspector, or go to Log in using the credentials provided to you. You can reset your login information if you don't know it.
- Click the Inspection Details button associated with the property you would like to make a CRL for.
- You will see a large charcoal grey box on the screen describing the CRL feature. Click the button Create List to create the CRL.
Home buyers will only get the option to create a list after they view the inspection report. If you do not see the Create a Request List section, perhaps it is because you first need to view the report. After you have viewed the report, return to the Inspection Details page to create a CRL.
Adding Items to a Request List
- After creating the request list, a box will appear giving you the ability to select which items you would like to review for the CRL. By default, Summary Items Only will be selected. You can also review All Items from the report. The summary items are ones deemed a concern by the home inspector, whereas all items would include items of a non-consequential nature as well. Click OK after the selection has been made.
- You will be presented with a box where you can begin to add items to the list. Click the button Accept As Is if you have no concern with the item, or if you don't want it addressed in the report. Click Add To List if you want the item to appear in the final list to be addressed.
- When Add To List is clicked you are given the options Repair, Replace, and Monetary Value. Select which option you would like to apply to this item. If Monetary Value is selected, add a dollar amount that is desired to come off the final price of the home. Add personal comments in the Comment area. Click Save Request to save this selection.
- You will be brought to the next item in the list to address automatically. Repeat the process until your request list is complete.
Navigating The Request List Editor
The modal box for adding items to your request list has many features. Here are just a few of the features and options.
- List Name: click the pencil icon to edit the name.
- Progress Bar: as you add items to the list, the progress bar will increase.
- More Options: click this to filter list items, delete the list or return to the HomeGauge Dashboard.
- Navigation Options: use the drop down on the left to navigate to any item from the selected report, or the back and forward arrows to go one item forward or back.
- Comments and status: the inspector's comment from the report will always be placed first. Any comments added to this list by a buyer or realtor will be shown after the word "Comment." The status of the item is also show.
- Remove From List: click this to remove the item from your list and return the status to "Accept As Is."
- Next Incomplete: this button will navigate you to the next item that hasn't been addressed.
Editing a Request List
As a Home Buyer:
- Navigate back to your HomeGauge Dashboard at
- Click Inspection Details for the property from where a request list was started.
- You will see the Request List info area showing all the request lists created. Simply click on the list name for the request list you would like to edit.
- You will be again asked which items from the report you would like to review. Select All Items or just Summary Items. Click OK.
- Continue adding to the list, or navigate to the items you wish changed.
- At any time you click click More Options > View Request List in order to view the list in its current state.
As a Realtor:
- Navigate back to your HomeGauge Dashboard at
- Click Inspection Details for the property from where a request list was started.
- Underneath the Inspection Report Button, click the link to edit the list.
- You will be again asked which items from the report you would like to review. Select All Items or just Summary Items. Click OK.
- Continue adding to the list, or navigate to the items you wish changed.
- At any time you click click More Options > View Request List in order to view the list in its current state.
Saving and Emailing a Request List
- Once you have completed the list by either assigning each item a status or leaving them as is, a box will appear giving you the opportunity to view the list or continue editing it.
- Clicking View Request List will show the list that you had created. It will display the status that was assigned each item, the comments that you wrote, and the inspector's comments as well.
- Click the Download PDF button at the top right to save out a PDF of this same list to your local PC.
- Click the Send List button to email the list directly through your HomeGauge Dashboard.
- Put in the email of the desired recipient and click Send Email to email this list.
The Request List Can't Be Emailed
Requests lists in excess of 20mb may not be able to be emailed through the HomeGauge Dashboard. If you get a notice that the request list was too big, you may need to download it as a PDF and send it through other means, or reduce the items in the list.
"Error: Invalid Report"
Request lists can only be created from the full inspection reports. Attempting to create a request list from any document not categorized as an "Inspection Report" will result in an error. This includes the report summary.
If you see this error when trying to create or access a list, it is either because the list was created from a document that was not the inspection report, or the report was miss-categorized when uploaded. Contact your home inspector or HomeGauge support for further assistance.