A website is an invaluable tool for generating business in today's modern environment. Luckily you don't have to learn a bunch of coding to get one, as HomeGauge has you covered and can build a website. After it goes live, you may ask, "Is there anything I need to do to maintain it?" In this article, we are covering understanding the components of a website, your custom built website, web hosting and web domain.
Understanding the Components of a Website
The first step in properly maintaining a website is knowing its related components and what makes it possible for people to visit it. A website needs three things in place to function; the actual website, of course, a hosting platform, and a domain.
Suppose we incorporate a housing metaphor into the above diagram. In that case, we can think of the website as a house that people can see, the hosting as the land or property supporting the house, and the domain as the street address that connects your home to a neighborhood. It could be a better metaphor, but hopefully, it gives you a good idea of what is happening behind the scenes. Each item in the formula has to be working correctly for someone to be able to visit your site.
Now that we understand how this works together, let's talk about how to maintain your site best to keep everything in good working order!
Your Custom-Built Website
If your website was built by our talented web team, you're currently having one built, or are planning on building a site with us in the future; then there is one main thing you need to do to keep your site up and running: purchase and renew your domain name. Read more about this in the section below.
Once your website is complete, we'll give you the login credentials so you can always access your website. However, even if you have previous experience with editing websites, we recommend using our Managed Hosting service so that our developers can make any changes to your site.
While we commend people for wanting to make the extra effort, site content is often removed or deleted, or a critical functionality needs to be fixed. Your live site needs to be displayed or work properly. These errors can cost you, potential customers. Fear not, however, as things of this nature rarely break permanently.
Website Hosting
Again, if you host with us, there's nothing that you need to do. We will connect the wires and ensure everyone visiting your site has a positive and rewarding experience.
To compare our different hosting plans, click here for more info.
Website Domain
This is significant, as HomeGauge does not maintain or control your domain. HomeGauge is not a registrar, meaning we don't sell or issue domain names and cannot renew them for you. Remember the metaphor above? The domain is the address that allows people to find your website. A great example of a domain is "www.google.com." It's the words that someone types into a browser to see you!
Those reminder emails sent from GoDaddy, or other similar domain name providers, warning that your domain name is coming up for renewal, should not be ignored. If you let your domain name expire, your site will no longer work. Since a domain cannot be purchased outright, you'll have to renew it if you want your website to stay active online. If your domain name expires, customers cannot visit your website.
You can visit www.whois.com to determine when the domain expires and the company you used to register your domain name.
- Once there, click the search bar at the top and type in your complete web address (e.g., "www.yoursitename.com"). Click "Whois."
- You will then see a page containing valuable information, namely your domain registrar and when the domain expires.
Please remember this information, as you will need to renew your domain when the time comes. Please keep track of any login information you saved with the registrar, as it will make the renewal process a lot smoother in the future.
Hopefully, this answers some questions about the responsibilities of a website owner. As always, feel free to contact us for any other questions.