- Inspector Dashboard: Create and Edit New Agreement(s) Templates
- Inspector Dashboard: Setup and Manage Inspection Services
- Inspector Dashboard: Schedule Now Settings
- Inspector Dashboard: Setup Text (SMS) Messaging
- Inspector Dashboard: Company Settings for Appointments
- Setup and Manage CRL (Create Request List)
Getting Started with the Dashboard
Managing Appointments
- Inspector Dashboard: Switching from ISN to HG Appointments
- Inspector Dashboard: ScheduleNow Customize Detail Fields
- Inspector Dashboard: Creating and Managing Appointments
- Inspector Dashboard: Set Time Off
- Inspector Dashboard: Edit, Send, and Resend Appointment Notifications to Customers and Realtors
- Inspector Dashboard: Sharing Appointments Calendar
Managing Inspection Reports
- Inspector Dashboard: Edit and Send Report Notifications to Customers and Realtors
- Inspector Dashboard: Managing Documents
- Inspector Dashboard: Add, Remove and Troubleshooting a Customer or REP to a Report
- Inspector Dashboard: Change Inspection Address
- Inspector Dashboard: Viewing Permissions
- Inspector Dashboard: Send Report to Third Party