Release Notes 01/18/2023 - Desktop
HomeGauge Desktop introduces a variety of fixes and improvements to the user experience.
To download this update, we suggest shutting down your current software before installing the new version from your inspector dashboard by clicking Install HG 5 from the left-hand navigation menu.
Alternatively, you can click Help > Check for Updates. You may receive an error that requires you to select Retry to move forward with the installation. If an error occurs around updating your fonts, hit Skip to continue, as we did not make any changes in that area.
Add picture label while in Photo Editor
Inspectors can now edit the picture label while editing photos. Tap the label button under the grid button to open the picture label prompt. Choose from existing comments with the magic wand or enter a new label in the text input field.
Style & Materials Quick Add Option
Inspectors can quickly create a new material option while on the styles and materials tab. Highlight the style you would like to add to and then type into the top text box your materials. Press enter or click the '+' button to add the material to your style. You can also edit the material options (not styles) using the right-hand toolbar, saving clicks and time. Styles can still be edited using the top tool bar.
Properly Display Cloud Reports from Newest to Oldest
Upload date is listed from the newest and most recently added at the top to the oldest at the bottom.
Good features. I like them.
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