Wisconsin Inspectors: how to change your template to meet new state SOPs
Pinned FeaturedNew Wisconsin template change requirements:
To help inspectors from Wisconsin update their template to meet the new state requirements, we recorded a short video that shows how to make these changes. Below are typed out instructions as well.
Click Here to Watch the Video Tutorial
Listed below are the changes, the exact verbiage and instructions:
Language changes for Comment Key & Definitions which are found in the General Information part of the report.
- Modify the Comment Key & Definitions: Click on this Support Article link below for detailed and visual instructions: https://support.homegauge.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010242374-How-to-Edit-the-Comment-Key-Component-Overview-or-Summary-Intro-Footer
- Follow steps 1 - 7 exactly as shown in the article
- Feel free to copy & paste the verbiage from here since they came directly from the statue:
Defect (DEF)= A condition of any component of an improvement that a home inspector determines, on the basis of the home inspector's judgement on the day of an inspection, would significantly impair the health or safety of occupants of a property or that, if not repaired, removed, or replaced, would significantly shorten or adversely affect the expected normal life of the component of the improvement.
Change the verbiage in your Inspection Column Headers to match the changes in the Comment Key & Definitions
- With a blank report open and your template selected, click on the top toolbar Template→ Edit Column Headers
- Click Add Column and enter in a new column name with the abbreviation below → Click OK
- Double click the box (box will turn blue) below the new column header → Click Move Left until you move that column to where you would like it to appear
- Double click the box below RR (box will turn blue) → Click Edit Column
- Change the name from Repair/Replace to Defect and change the Abbreviation below to DEF→ Click OK (modifying the Repair/Replace column header will keep the same rule that will send these items to the summary)
- Click Save T at the top right corner of the software to save your template changes
- Repeat steps above to add another column or to edit an existing column to match your Comment Key
Change your summary header auto comment text to include verbiage from the statute.
- Click on this link for instructions: https://support.homegauge.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010242374-How-to-Edit-the-Comment-Key-Component-Overview-or-Summary-Intro-Footer
- Scroll to the last section of instructions for Edit Summary Intro/Footer and complete the steps.
- Copy and paste the text below to add to the Summary Intro auto comment. The verbiage below is required by the state to read exactly as show below:
The following items or discoveries indicate that these systems or components do not function as intended or adversely affects the habitability of the dwelling is a safety issue; or appear to warrant further investigation by a specialist, or requires subsequent observation. This summary shall not contain recommendations for routine upkeep of a system or component to keep it in proper functioning condition or recommendations to upgrade or enhance the function, efficiency, or safety of the home.
NOTE:This Summary page is provided for convenience and is not a substitute for reading the entire report and should not be relied upon as the complete list for the client's reference.
For the purposes of the report, "Defect," as defined in section 440.97(2m), Wis. Stats., means a condition of any component of an improvement that a home inspector determines, on the basis of a home inspector's judgement on the day of an inspection, would significantly impair the health and safety of occupants of a property or that, if not repaired, removed, or replaced, would significantly shorten or adversely affect the expected normal life of the component of the improvement. The contract of sale may define "defect" to also include a condition that would have a significant adverse effect on the value of the property, but such a condition may not be labeled a defect in the report unless it meets the definition in section 440.97(2m), Wis. Stats. NOTE: A home inspector may not report on the market value or marketability of a property or whether a property should or should not be purchased.
Include the summary in your report (if you do not already do so):
- Click from the top toolbar File--->Printing Options
- Click the Print Setting you use so it gets highlighted blue (the words must be highlighted blue before moving to next step)
- Click the Edit wrench icon at the right (you may get a pop up, if so, click yes)
- Check the box at the bottom right for Summary
- Click OK
Here are links to the code and rules.
I'm not sure if the final version had any changes from the bill that Suzie used in the example.
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Hey Suzy and HG- Thanks for assisting us Wisconsin HG users transition to the new state requirements!! This will make it a whole lot easier. Jon
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