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Web writer; Editing options



  • Tyler

    Hi Mike!

    Thanks for the feedback, this is all very useful information. I'll make sure our product team takes a look at your suggestions. Have a great rest of your day!

  • Mike Senty

    Is the ability to have a button to change disclaimers and descriptions to and from permanent in all inspections still an active issue? It is time consuming to have to go through these items on each inspection and click on them to be on the report. Sometimes an item that is usually permanent does not apply to a property. There is no button to make it permanent again.

  • Mike Senty

    Second question; "Comments" section; is there an active request to have a button added to comments, such that when making a one time change to a comment, that a button is available to "make change permanent" or "one time use". Without such a button, comments become corrupted, requiring careful reading of all comments in each report to make sure a corrupted comment is not included in the new report. Time consuming....


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