Webwriter bugs and work arounds
AnsweredAs I have been forced to switch from HomeHubZone to the web writer I have found the transition painful! I figured I would post the bugs I have found for the devs to work on and some of the work arounds I have found that help.
There has been a bug where pictures are assigned and then can't be removed. I found that the pictures that I assigned by accident were assigned through the photos view. Once you select a photo and then assign it you have to go back and unselect it before moving on. That helps avoid the issue to begin with. If you find that you have a photo assigned to the wrong comment, the fastest way to remove it is to save it to your device and delete the photo and then reupload it.
Not Inspected by default- Not sure why they thought this was a good idea! So we now have to click and toggle on 98% of the items and yes the system is slow! "One Moment"... If it's "N/A" it's faster to click on the 3 buttons on the far left of the item and then select delete. At least that will save you a little time clearing out some items.
More feed back to come :)
Official comment
Hi Darren,
I would like to reach out to you directly to get more details about the issues you are seeing. I want to make sure we get tickets associated with anything that will be considered a bug and we can evaluate some potential new features. I see some of the items you are working on with our Support Team already and will make sure we are in sync on any action items.
HomeGauge Product Architect
Dryer, Oven/ Range both show as inspected when toggled to N/A
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I use a dual screen setup at my pc. Today I set up a browser on both monitors and opened one to the "Sytems" screen and the other to the "Photos" screen so I could see and work on both at the same time. That allowed me to go through the systems and add the photos and at the same time use the other screen to add comments and annotations on the photos. Yes I miss the functionality of HHZ, it ran circles around this software but I'm trying to make this work until it gets better. I no longer add comments during the inspection. It creates far to many issues and issues in a report are a huge liability. I snap pics and "Add Photo". Report writing is done on my pc only. At least for now.
If you don't have a dual-screen setup I still recommend opening 2 tabs with both systems and photos open. This will save you a lot of time switching back and forth. You can't annotate and comment on photos from the systems view and you cant set details and materials from the photos view. you'll thank me!
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Gutters checked as N/A show as inspected in report
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HHZ user here too; painful transition, yes. I found if I have a description, a comment, or a default disclaimer open, yet toggle the item to N/A, it still posts on my report preview. It's a problem when there are default description or default disclaimers, and it keeps the item active, thus posting it on the preview. I've gone to deleting the unused item from the active report. The other option is to turn off the default descriptions and default disclaimers. Not very efficient...
Another item: I've been moving my comments from HHZ to Webwriter. I've had a couple comments randomly come up with an "Additional Information" section located after "Suggested Action". How can I get that to happen all the time? I made regular use of the "Additional Information" section in HHZ. I want to be able to have that "Additional Information" section available as an option on all comments.
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Sub/ Distribution Panel indicates "Inspected" when toggled to N/A
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I really want my HHZ back! I can't believe how painful this is to use when it's based on something that worked great. This may be the closest thing to HHZ but it's still universes apart. You would be better off throwing this software away and reinstalling HHZ! I'm going to have to start looking at alternative software packages. You ruined a good thing.
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Hi Darren,
I would like to reach out to you directly to get more details about the issues you are seeing. I want to make sure we get tickets associated with anything that will be considered a bug and we can evaluate some potential new features. I see some of the items you are working on with our Support Team already and will make sure we are in sync on any action items.
HomeGauge Product Architect
Still waiting to hear from you.
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The add a caption box under photos is a joke! One moment!
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Very buggy when trying to move an annotaton. If you grab the annotation it randomly decides to not let go. Then you have the annotation stuck to your cursor and are dragging it around the screen trying to get it off only to have it land somewhere you don't want it and reluctantly click on it again to try to move it!!!!
I mentioned in a previous post that I use 2 screens and have the web writer open on both. One to the systems and the other to the photos. You cant add concerns from photos and the stock concerns are minimal at best. And you cant annotate or add comments from systems. I swear I don't know how you could base this on HHZ and have this so backwards!!! WE HAVE BEEN FORCED TO USE THIS FOR OVER A MONTH AND STILL NO RESOLUTION TO THE BASIC ISSUES! At least this transition came when I was about to go on vacation but returning has been painful. Extra 2-3 hours for every inspection!
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We need to be able to rotate photos in the webwriter
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I am honestly not sure how my response to you got away from me. I will kick off the email now so we can start collaborating.
Crop and rotate is next up on our list of things to implement.
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Why do we have to add basic things like piers and joists but elevators are default?
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I am in the same boat as you Darren. I am probably going to be looking for other options or just get out of the business all together. I don't want to create a liability for myself from poor software. It was a good run with HHZ!
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I decided to try something new tonight with the web writer. I was working from the photo screen. I clicked on "hide used" and then proceeded to start with the first photo and add my comments annotations and assign it. As I moved through the photos I also found some that I needed to delete. I started with 67 photos and looked up and saw that I had 37 left and something was wrong. There was no way I deleted 30 photos. But somehow I did because they're gone. I'm guessing when I check something to delete it it's probably deleting everything else I checked prior to that but it's not showing checked photos because they are hidden but still checked. I also realized that just because you check it and assign it then after it is assigned and then hidden it's still checked in being added to other concerns that you're working on. So now after spending an hour and a half working through this I have to delete everything I've done and start over again. This software really sucks!
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When photos are selected in the Photos Page the option to assign or delete appears at the bottom of the page. When selecting multiple photos to assign you currently have to deselect them when finished or they will be added to whatever you do next. It would be great to have a button to deselect currently selected photos. This would make it faster to move onto the next issue/photo.
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