New structural item
Under "Building Structure" it would be helpful to have a new item "Exterior Walls". NACHI SOP includes Exterior Walls as a component of the inspection. Every inspection, I have to add "Other Structural" and change it to "Exterior Walls". I know other inspectors have been interested in this addition.
Mike, I have been looking at the concern library and as a result, the items too. It seems that some existing items are redundant and we could reduce the size of the item list. For instance, attic access and attic ladder. I think the ladder is part of the access and they should be combined to include concerns for both under attic access. If there is an issue with the ladder there will of course be a picture of the ladder, a corresponding concern but it can be listed under attic access. Combining similar items would go a long way towards streamlining the software and inspection.
That being said, what if "Wall" was listed in structural. I have come across issues in the past with load-bearing walls, interior and exterior, and this one heading can cover both. I like the idea of adding it as I have had to use it too. However, I always add this as needed. I'm a little leary of having it as default to just check off for every inspection because of the liability of saying I inspected the wall as a structural component and found no issues when there is no way to know if there is an actual issue in a wall unless it presents itself in some external way.
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Darren; I'm suggesting an exterior wall category due to the need to describe and inspect the exterior wall structure from the SOP: "The home inspector shall observe structural components including foundations, floors, walls, columns or piers, ceilings and roof. The home inspector shall describe the type of foundation, floor structure, wall structure, columns or piers, ceiling structure, and roof structure." I have a "Materials" item under "Description" that I use to describe the exterior wall structure; "2 x 4 stud, 2 x 6 stud, timber frame, log, etc."
Yes, there is a disclaimer involved, limiting to visual.
YES, if we can get a category labeled either "exterior wall" or "structural wall" under "Building Structure" that will be perfect.
I have a log walls section currently under "Building Exterior", using "other building exterior" that I wish to move to "Building Structure" using "other building structure". I get quite a few log home inspections. Building structure is a more appropriate location for my log home section.
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Looking at how the report and inspection software is currently laid out we have a Structure Category both to inspect and report. So under the heading Structure, we need Wall. Then we need 2 entries in Item Details. One for Exterior walls and one for Interior walls. This way we can report them as satisfactory or list the defects and then under Item Details we can describe the type of wall for both categories.
Does that sound right?
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Not sure I understand your comment. Each item within an item has an area for Comment, Description, and Disclaimer. If this new item happens, you can use Description to describe two components of wall structure, Exterior Wall and Interior Structural Wall, by adding a description item for each of them. That way you cover the description component of "wall structure" for the SOP.
I'd prefer to see "Exterior Wall", and if one wants to or notices an issue with an interior structural wall, then place it as a comment. If it ends up being "Wall Structure", I'm ok with that as a second choice to "Exterior Wall". If it doesn't happen, I'll continue with the "Other Structure" category and change it for every inspection. Obviously, the last is least desirable.
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