Better picture editing options
Official comment
Hi Roy,
Just to make sure I understand, you're looking for a way to manipulate an oval or rectangle along the Z axis as well as X and Y, or have freeform control of the nodes in a rectangle or oval? While this isn't planned at the moment, I'm interested to learn what your use cases are to make sure we're aligned. What types of defects or general photos do you foresee this type of editing most useful for? Feel free to reach out to or send us a reply here.
For me, it would be awesome if there was a quick way to use my favorite app with images in the photo locker. Currently when I need something special, I copy the images into and work with that. Then I pull the image back into the report. One thing that might be easily added as a function in the homegauge windows app is to make one image a detail of another as pictured.
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