Release Notes 7/18/2022 - Desktop 5.5
HomeGauge Desktop 5.5 introduces a variety of fixes and improvements to user experience.
To get this update, we suggest shutting down your current software before installing the new version from your inspector dashboard by clicking Install HG 5 from the left-hand navigation menu.
Alternatively, you can click Help > Check for Updates. You may receive an error that requires you to select Retry to move forward with the install. If an error pops up around updating your fonts, hit Skip to continue as we did not make any changes in that area.
Click here to watch an overview of the changes:
Issue: To check whether all inspection items and Styles & Materials in a component were complete for a report, you have to click the Components header first.
Solution: Components will now show a checkmark status icon when complete without needing to go to the Components view to see them. -
Issue: When erasing a comment, it was required to always confirm the action.
Solution: You can now click “Do Not Show This Message Again” to avoid seeing this prompt. You can re-enable it at any time under Options > Comment Options. -
Issue: When deleting an itemized item, it was required to always confirm the action.
Solution: You can now click “Do Not Show This Message Again” to avoid seeing this prompt. You can re-enable it at any time under Options > General Options. -
Issue: When removing a Style & Material that adds an auto-comment to the report, the comment would not be removed.
Solution: We now remove the comment when you deselect the Style & Material that added it. Note: This issue can still occur if you alter the comment before remove the Style & Material selection. The software looks for the comment associated with the Style & Material selection and if any changes are made to the comment, it will no longer recognize it and it will not be removed. If this happens, you will be shown an error message. -
Issue: When using bulleted lists in a comment, the final report would show a numbered list instead.
Solution: Bulleted lists now appear as expected in the final report. -
Issue: When using the Append to Previous functionality with forms, the resulting merged form would be blank when Secure PDF Forms was also enabled.
Solution: Secure PDF forms will no longer cause this issue with Append to Previous. -
Issue: When editing a Component name using the Duplicate Sections edit wrench icon, you can now rename that component for the current report only. In prior versions, this could only be done as a template change.
Solution: Editing a component name is no longer required to be a template change. You can now edit a component name as a one-off report change rather than needing to make it a template change that affects future reports. Simply click the Components header, then click the component name you which to change for this report and click the edit wrench next to “Duplicate Sections.” -
Issue: When working with multiple duplicate components, you could only add a maximum of two duplications at a time.
Solution: The add duplicate component dialog now allows for the addition of multiple new components at once. -
Issue: When using duplicated components, the overview for each duplicate would appear on the final report. This was redundant as it contains the same information.
Solution: You can now optionally remove the overview for duplicated components under File > Printing Options > Misc > Skip Header/Footer on Duplicate Sections
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