Release Notes 8/22/2022 - Desktop
HomeGauge Desktop introduces a variety of fixes and improvements to the user experience.
To get this update, we suggest shutting down your current software before installing the new version from your inspector dashboard by clicking Install HG 5 from the left-hand navigation menu.
Alternatively, you can click Help > Check for Updates. You may receive an error that requires you to select Retry to move forward with the installation. If an error pops up around updating your fonts, hit Skip to continue as we did not make any changes in that area.
Issue: New auto-comments are placed at the bottom of the local list and need to be moved with the up and down arrows.
Solution: New button “Sort Comments By Name” will sort comments alphabetically (case insensitive) by name. This is a template change and will trigger the Save T button to save updates to the template and local list. -
Issue: When clicking report hyperlinks in the HBD (Home Buyer Dashboard) the links would not open.
Solution: IMPORTANT! This will not fix uploads previous to updating. After updating old reports will have to be uploaded again for links to work on HBD. -
Issue: When adding a FLIR image to the RWD, the center measurement point defaults to Celsius. You had to change it to Fahrenheit in the settings, then remove the center dot and add a new one.
Solution: Software settings in the FLIR editor are now saved in-between sessions. -
Issue: When attaching a picture to an auto-comment that loads on report start, the picture was set to 320x240 ignoring the default settings for picture editing.
Solution: For auto-included Item comments with pictures, it will use the “Default Finding Picture Display Width” setting in the default picture settings.
For auto-included Overview comments with pictures, it will use the “Default Overview Picture Display Width” setting in the default picture settings.
Issue: Comments may contain lists and comments may be associated with a summary that has a color configured. Lists did not adhere to the color selection from the summary like the rest of the comments.
Solution: Lists now appear with the expected assigned summary color in the final report. -
Issue: The software remembers Cities, States, Zip Codes, and the County you enter, but in the order you put them.
Solution: City, State, Zip, County, and Country values are now sorted alphabetically.
Issue: Inspectors were unable to drag/drop photos from the photo toolbar in to forms on computers with high resolution screens such as Microsoft Surface or Macbook using Parallels. The typical workaround is to override high DPI scaling performed by the system.
Solution: Windows overhauled the DPI/coordinate system with Windows 10. The software was updated to match the Windows 10 DPI/coordinate system.
Issue: In RWD, editing a style and material option, the OK button uses a numerical 0 instead of a capital letter O.
Solution: Fixed typo.
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