July 17, 2024
- Show Password
- Ability to use a Global comment while in Local lists
- Restore Other HG User Settings Improvement
Show Password:
Added a "show password" button to log into HG Services > Enter Inspector HG Username.
Ability to use a Global comment while in Local lists:
A new dropdown to choose between Local and Global comment lists has been added, with the default selection set to Local. This allows you to add a Global comment to the inspection report without first adding the Global comment to the Local list.
When multiple comments are selected, the Category label will be blank, and the Attachments box will display “Multiple comments selected.”
The dialog is resizable, and the Category Filter dropdown will expand to fill the extra width.
When displaying the Global comment list, users can select and insert comments into the report, add selected comments to the Local list (switching dropdowns to display all local comments, including the newly added ones), and edit comments using the edit button. Delete, move, and sort buttons are disabled for global comments, with further editing done through Template->All Comments. The Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut can select all comments with a “blue highlight.”
The Move Up / Move Down functions for the Local list / All category have been extended to move contiguous block selections. Previously, only one comment could be moved.
Restore Other HG User Settings Improvement:
When performing Restore Other HG User Settings, all print settings are restored to aid in setting up new users. Before, All Print settings only restored logos, print format, and style. Now, settings on the Misc tab in Publishing Options are included.
Resolved Issues
- We resolved an issue where Lead Sources in the Misc > Inspector Info tab couldn't be added, edited, or deleted.
- Duplicating sections dropdown selections now expand so the text doesn't run off the window.
- We fixed an issue where asterisks in a comment would not mark the inspection item with a Completion Status because the software thought it was incomplete Smart Text.