When creating a report, you may need to include images captured by various devices that use different image formats. However, Desktop Report Writer only supports JPEG, PNG, and GIF formats. To ensure your images display correctly in the software, you will need to follow a set of steps.
- If you still don't see images populate in the panel, the file format of the images may need to be checked.
- Navigate to the folder containing your images.
- Click View and check the box File name extensions.
- The three characters at the end of the file name indicate that these images are not supported in Desktop Report Writer.
- Right-click one of the images and select Open With > Paint.
- Once open, click File > Save as > JPEG, save it in the same folder as the other images, and click Save.
- Once saved, you should see that the image populates in the photo panel.
- Do the same thing for all the images so that the Desktop Report Writer displays the complete list.